Scottish Council By-election Timetable Tool Update
The timetable tool has been updated for council by-election dates through 2025 and 2026, covering potential by-elections until the next scheduled Scottish Local Government Elections in May 2027.
The timetable tool has been updated for council by-election dates through 2025 and 2026, covering potential by-elections until the next scheduled Scottish Local Government Elections in May 2027.
Update on council by-elections since May 2022
The tracker of upcoming council by-elections has been updated.
ROs and EROs across Scotland have been working to ensure voters who have not received a postal vote that they were expecting will be able to take part in this election.
The log of council by-elections has been updated
The Convener of the EMB has made some Recommendations for action by RO and ERO teams to improve the accessibility of elections ahead of the UK Parliamentary General Election in 2024.
A joint Electoral Management Board for Scotland / Electoral Commission conference for Scotland’s Returning Officers and Electoral Registration Officers 6 October 2023
The log of council by-elections has been updated
The current UK Elections Act 2022 legislation has been gathered on the website for reference.
The Local Government by-election timetable generator has been updated to reflect the confirmed bank holiday for the King's Coronation on 8 May 2023.