Scottish Council By-election Timetable Tool Update

The timetable tool has been updated for council by-election dates through 2025 and 2026, covering potential by-elections until the next scheduled Scottish Local Government Elections in May 2027.

The Scottish Local Government By-election Timetable Tool has been updated to cover dates through 2025 and 2026.  

The latest version can be downloaded from from the download section in the Local Government By-election area of this website.

This timetable template is intended for administrator planning and reference only.  The  dates from this timetable can be used to populate your timetable for publication.  However, the output should always be checked and verified before publication on behalf of the Returning Officer.   The information in and generated by this spreadsheet is intended to be used as a tool to calculate and show dates in a Scottish local government by-election timetable at the time this tool was published (6 December 2024).  

No liability by the author is assumed for the accuracy of the data given or generated herein. 

If any errors are identified that need to be corrected, please contact 


Published: 6th December 2024